
Manage Wholesale Orders with Effortless Execution

With DEAR Systems all-in-one capability to handle wholesales orders, fulfil sales and execute every order with accuracy, you will be able to forecast and fulfill wholesale orders with absolute ease.

How DEAR can help Wholesale businesses scale their operations

It’s time to take manufacturing to the next level. Enjoy a 360-degree view of your production costs and inventory status so that you can make strategic business decisions informed by a wealth of data — like pricing strategies or loss reduction practices.

Multi-Warehouse Capability

Easily keep account of inventory across multiple warehouses, in multiple cities, states and countries. DEAR makes it easy for you to track what stock you have, where, and the ability to segregate stock makes reporting effortless.

Serial & Batch Number Tracking

At the core of any Wholesale business is its ability to track inventory accurately. Batch track products for traceability, or assign serial numbers for warranty purposes. DEAR helps you to do this easily across multiple locations.

Visibility Of Costs Of Goods Sold

Get insights into your profit margins by analyzing the cost of all goods sold. Get more accurate reporting by easily separating freight and handling fees from your wholesale sales. DEAR allows you to monitor profitability and margins by making those stats available for your on the dashboard.

Multiple Currencies

Using a spreadsheet to track conversion calculations can be time consuming and outdated. Use DEAR’s in-built currency conversion feature to easily transact in multiple currencies and grow profitability.

Kit Sets & Bundles

Assemble product bundles or kit sets with DEAR’s Auto Assembly feature. Reserve items that make up the product kit set/bundle to make sure you have what you need to build the finished products. With DEAR it can all be done in minutes.

Bulk Purchases To Smaller Quantities

Assemble product bundles or kit sets with DEAR’s Auto Assembly feature. Reserve items that make up the product kit set/bundle to make sure you have what you need to build the finished products. With DEAR it can all be done in minutes.

We Integrate With

Companies build their own workflows on their favorite solutions on the market which integrated with DEAR

#1 Rated Cloud ERP Software in USA

Get a big picture view of your business, without losing sight of the details. DEAR makes enterprise-level inventory management, manufacturing, sales channel integration, reporting and more accessible to businesses of all sizes.